Asia/Oceania 3-day Online Workshop

Asia/Oceania 3 Day Fitzmaurice Voicework Workshop ( July 8th-10th)

This 3-day exploratory workshop brings together Fitzmaurice Voicework Associate teachers from around the Southern Hemisphere to share their knowledge and love of Fitzmaurice Voicework with those of you who have had some experience of the work and those who are curious to find out more. The course is designed for people from all walks of life who would like to breathe and speak in the most effective and efficient way that their bodies are capable of producing.

We will be working via zoom with close instruction from teachers in break out groups so that everyone participating will get personal attention.

Dates  Friday 8th, Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th July 2022

Time   7.10 am to 12.30pm   Bangalore

          3pm to 8pm                Wellington

          1pm to 6pm                AEST

11am - 4pm Perth

11am - 4pm Singapore

Cost    $400 (AUS$) / $290 (USD) early bird until June 30th.

            $450.00 (AUS$) / $326 (USD) Full price
Conversion Here

Overall sketch of Topics

            Day One:  an exploration of Destructuring.

            Day Two: going deeper into Destructuring and introducing restructuring.

            Day Three: action; putting the Destructuring and Restructuring into speech.

Led by the Oceania team of Certified teachers; Fabio Motta, Perry Piercy, Mallika Prasad, Petrina Kow, Julia Moody