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Shanghai Theatre Academy Online Forum, May 2020
"Breathing Matters" in Voice and Speech Review, Vol. 9, #1, 2015. pp. 61-70. Published online here. And the Spanish translation here.
Interview with Catherine Fitzmaurice, by Paul Meier, in Approaches to Theatre Training: Pillars of Voice Work, January 2010.
Interview of Catherine Fitzmaurice, by Saul Kotzubei, 2005.
Interview of Catherine Fitzmaurice, by Eugene Douglas, in Acting Now, Issue #2, 2004.
"Structured Breathing" in the VASTA Newsletter, Spring 2003 , Vol. 17, #1.
"Breathing is Meaning" in The Vocal Vision, ed. Dr. Marian Hampton. New York: Applause Books, 1997. pp. 247 - 252.
"Zeami Breathing" in Internet journal Consciousness, Literature and the Arts Vol. 1, #1, March, 2000; reprinted in Voice and Speech Review, Vol.1, #1 (premier issue), August 2000, and in Performing Consciousness, eds. Per Brask and Daniel Meyer-Dinkgrafe, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
"Common Speaking Voice Problems: Case Studies with Optional Solutions" - with Lucille Rubin (moderator), Ruth Epstein, Catherine Fitzmaurice, Pamela Harvey, and Bonnie Raphael. Transcript of panel appearance at the Voice Foundation Symposium 1990, in The Journal of Voice, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1991. pp. 321 -327.
"La Respiración es Significado" - Spanish translation of "Breathing is Meaning," translated by Mariela Aragon Chiari, edited by Paula Ramirez.
"Entrevista a Catherine Fitzmaurice," por Saul Kotzubei, translated by Esther Pallejà, 2014.
"Breathing is Meaning"
“Atmen ist Sinn Stiften” - German translation of “Breathing is Meaning,” translated by Sandrine Hudl, 2018.
此文文是2020年年5月月30日日于中国上海海举办的“上海海高高校国际⻘青年年学者论坛-戏剧影视专场” 演讲稿 - Chinese Translation of Shanghai Theatre Academy Onine Forum, May 2020
呼吸即意义 - Chinese translation of “Breathing is Meaning,” translated by Connie Zhang, 2019.
采访 - Chinese translation of “Interview with Catherine Fitzmaurice,” by Saul Kotzubei, translated by Connie Zhang, 2019.
“结构化呼吸”是什么? - Chinese translation of “Structured Breathing” Translated by Connie Zhang, 2020
Barnes, Michael J MFA Thesis on Fitzmaurice Voicework.
Barnes, Michael J and Smith, Bruce R.: "A Report on the January 1995 Fitzmaurice Workshop" in VASTA Newsletter, Spring/Summer, 1995, Vol. 9, #2.
Blaise, Cynthia "A Fitzmaurice Workshop Experience" in VASTA Newsletter, Fall, 1999, Vol. 13, #3.
Bruun, E. F. (2021). In front of me: Fitzmaurice Voicework® as transformative practice. In C. Kapadocha (Ed.), Somatic Voices in Performance and Beyond, Routledge Voices Studies Series. Ch. 5, p. 63-75.
Bruun, E.F. (2015). Listen carefully, Dramatherapy, 37(1), 2015. pp. 3-14.
Bruun, E. F. “Where is my voice? Exploring vocal spatiality with Fitzmaurice Voicework®”, Ellen Foyn Bruun ellen.bruun@ntnu.no
Cazden, Joanna: "Brain, Mind, and Voice Therapy: Advances in Cognitive Science for Voice Practitioners," slide presentation (PDF), 2017 ASHA Presentation. Published online here.
Cazden, Joanna: How to Take Care of Your Voice: The Lifestyle Guide for Singers and Talkers. 116 pages. Paperback. To purchase click here.
Cazden, Joanna: "Stalking the calm buzz: how the polyvagal theory links stage presence, mammal evolution, and the root of the vocal nerve," in Voice and Speech Review, 11:2, 2017. pp. 132-153. DOI: 10.1080/23268263.2017.1390036
Court, Penelope: MFA Thesis on Fitzmaurice Voicework.
Danford, Kris & Jenny Mercein: "The Birth Process and Voice Training: The Glorious Chorus, A Qualitative Pilot Inquiry", in Voice and Speech Review, Vol. 12, 2018. pp. 35-48. Available here. DOI: 10.1080/23268263.2018.1417097
Danford, Kris, Lee Roosevelt, Alexandra Vroom, Lisa Harris & Ruth Zielinski (2022). "Impolite Birth: Theatre Voice Training and the Experience of Childbirth." Voice and Speech Review. DOI: 10.1080/23268263.2022.2137970
Espinosa, Micha: Voces Internas y Tsunamis
Feindel, Janet: The Thought Propels the Sound, Plural Publishing, 2008.
Feindel, Janet: chapter in Performer’s Voice, Plural Publishing, 2015.
Gonzales, Elisa: "La Casa de Inez: Investigating History, Voice, and Memory through Embodied, Site-Specific Storytelling," in Voice and Speech Review, published online, 29 January 2018.
Hague, Daydrie and Mary J. Sandage: "Evaluating the effects of stress reduction techniques and Fitzmaurice Voicework® on physiologic markers and mental states related to performance anxiety in student actors" in Voice and Speech Review, Vol. 10, #2-3, July 2016. pp. 121-130. Published online here.
Knight, Dudley: "Acting is Re-Acting" in Onstage Studies, July, 1991.
Knight, Dudley: "Reply to Ralph Zito and David Hammond" in Voice and Speech Review, Vol. 1. #1, premier issue. August 2000.
Knight, Dudley: "Standards" in Voice and Speech Review, Vol. 1, #1, premier issue. August 2000.
Knight, Dudley: "Standard Speech: The Ongoing Debate" in The Vocal Vision, edited by Marian Hampton, New York: Applause Theatre Books, 1997, reprinted in Voice and Speech Review, Vol.1, #1, premier issue. August 2000.
Knight, Dudley: "William Tilly and Standard Speech" in VASTA Newsletter, reprinted in Louis Colaianni: The Joy of Phonetics, Drama Books, 1995.
Kollwitz, Melissa: "Breath, tremoring, and performance anxiety: How can Fitzmaurice Voicework’s Destructuring address performance anxiety in undergraduate acting training?" in Voice and Speech Review, Vol. 10, #2-3, July 2016. pp. 100-120. Published online here.
Kotzubei, Saul: To Breathe Or Not To Breathe (PDF), first in a series of three articles originally published by NowCasting.com, 2006. [Version en español].
Kotzubei, Saul: Stand Up And Express Yourself (PDF), second of three articles originally published by NowCasting.com, 2006.
Kotzubei, Saul: You're Getting Warmer (PDF), third in a series of three articles originally published by NowCasting.com, 2006.
Kotzubei, Saul: Why We Focus on Breathing (PDF), 2004.
Matchett, Sara: "Deconstruct to Reconstruct: a Proposal for the Inclusion of Fitzmaurice Voicework in the Training of Dancers" in Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices. 4(2): 179-193. 2012.
Matchett, Sara: "Breath as Impulse, Breath as Thread: breath as catalyst for making an autobiographical performance in response to ‘corrective rape’ and hate crimes against lesbians" in South African Theatre Journal (SATJ). 26(3): 280-291. 2012. Available online here.
Matchett, Sara: "Breath-Body-Self: an exploration of the body as a site for generating images for performance making." PhD Dissertation, University of Cape Town (unpublished). 2016. Available online here.
Melton, Joan: "Ab Prints and the Triple Threat" in Voice Prints: Journal of the New York Singing Teachers Association, January-February, 2009.
Melton, Joan: "Common Denominators--Speaking and Singing" in VASTA Newsletter, Winter, 1999, Vol. 13, #1.
Melton, Joan: "More Common Denominators--Speaking and Singing" in VASTA Newsletter, Spring/Summer 1999, Vol. 13, #2.
Melton, Joan: ONE VOICE, Integrating Singing Technique with Theatre Voice Training, with Dr. Kenneth Tom, Heinemann, 2003. To purchase click here.
Melton, Joan: "Report of Fifth Voice Symposium of Australia" in VASTA Newsletter Spring 2001.
Melton, Joan: "Review of NATS Workshop on Belting" in VASTA Newsletter, Winter, 2000.
Melton, Joan: "Review of Shakespeare Festival LA's Production of Twelfth Night" in Voice and Speech Review, 2001.
Melton, Joan: "Pilates and the Actor/Singer" in The Australian Voice, Journal of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing, 2001.
Melton, Joan: "Sing Better, Work More" in Voice and Speech Review, Journal of the Voice and Speech Trainers Association, 2001.
Miller, Budi and Elizabeth de Roza: "The Lion and the Breath: Combining Kalaripayattu and Fitzmaurice Voicework Techniques Towards a New Cross-Cultural Methodology for Actor Training," in Journal of Embodied Research, 1(1), 1 (20:41), 2018. doi.org/10.16995/jer.6
Moody, Julia: "Fitzmaurice Voicework" in newsletter of the Australian Voice Association Voiceprint, Issue #27, April - September, 2004.
Morgan, Michael: Constructing the Holistic Actor: Fitzmaurice Voicework, VDM Verlag, 2008. To purchase click here.
Morgan, Michael: "Creative Chaos in Fitzmaurice Voicework" in Consciousness, Theatre, Literature, and the Art, edited by Daniel Meyer-Dinkgraefe, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006.
Morgan, Michael: PhD Dissertation: "Fitzmaurice Voicework: Constructing the Holistic Actor", 2007.
Morrison, Jeff, Saul Kotzubei, and Tyler Seiple: "Vocal Traditions: Fitzmaurice Voicework" in Voice and Speech Review, Vol. 11, #3, Nov. 2017. pp. 339-347. Published online here.
Ramírez B., Paula: "Técnica Vocal Fitzmaurice y sus alcances en la mente humana y las emociones." 2010. [English version]
Saklad, Nancy: Interview of Saul Kotzubei (PDF), Voice and Speech Training in the New Millennium: Conversations With Master Teachers, Applause Books, 2010.
Smith, Lauri: Your Voice Matters: A Guide To Speaking Soulfully When It Counts, Voice Matters, LLC, 2015. To purchase click here.
Sortore, Jeremy: "Exercise Essay: Vowel Yoga," in Voice and Speech Review, 10:3, 314-323. November 2017. doi.org/10.1080/23268263.2017.1398392.
Terrel, Elizabeth: Auditioning for Actor Training Programs, Cognella, 2018.
Terrel, Elizabeth: "Diaphragmatic entrapments: what they are and how they affect breath and voice," in Voice & Speech Review, Vol 10:2-3, 2016.
Watson, Lynn, Rachel Hirshorn-Johnston, Sean R. O’Bryan, & Tyler Davis: "Fitzmaurice Voicework Pilot Study with fMRI," in Voice and Speech Review. January 2019. doi.org/10.1080/23268263.2019.1558992
Watson, Lynn & Sadhana Nayak: "Fitzmaurice Voicework Pilot Study," in Journal of Voice, Volume 29, Issue 6, November 2015. pp. 707-711. ISSN 0892-1997. https://doi.org/10.1080/23268263.2014.906968
Watson, Lynn & Sadhana Nayak: "Fitzmaurice Voicework: theory, practice, and related research," in Voice and Speech Review. 8:2, 149-156. 2014.
Yurchak, P. Michael: “Walking the Talk: Teachers as Practitioners of Fitzmaurice Voicework,” in Voice and Speech Review. 2019. Online.
“Freedom and Focus,” by Sarah Wright-Owens, in British Voice Association Newsletter, Autumn/Winter 2018, Vol. 19, #2.
"Shake, Rattle, & Role" by Marti Runnels, in VASTA Newsletter, Fall 1995, Vol.9, #3.
"Movements -- a do-it-yourself deep therapy," by David Kozubei, 1998.
SUMMIT STORIES from the 2020 Fitzmaurice Voicework Summit - "Breathing is Meaning"
by Daydrie Hague, Julia Moody, Allison Hetzel, Amy Chaffee, Jeremy Sortore, Karen Kopryanski, Brianne Taylor, Teresa Spencer, Jennefer Morris, Shannon Holmes and Michelle Lopez-Rios