Comencemos esta Luna llena en Sagitario Juntes!

Clase gratuita hasta Junio 17, 2022

Gracias a todes lxs que nos acompañaron hoy ala sesión. Para los que no nos pudieron acompañar, la clase gratuita estará abierta hasta el último día de Luna Llena Junio 17. ENCONTRARÁS El LINk aquí para tomar la clase.

Gracias infinitas y sobre todo a lxs grandes maestras Catalina Medina  @catalinamedina.ferreira (Colombia) @vozenexpansion, Elena de La Fuente (Peru) @fuentepoderosa , Esther Pelleja (Canadá/España) @wildhealer y Valeria A Avina (NYC/Mexico)

Este último signo de fuego, abre espacio para que los signos de la tierra no nos hunda  pero que nos invite a conectar  a nuestrxs pies, vientre y voz!

Acompáñanos este Domingo 12 de Junio a una clase gratuita para recibir herramientas de auto cuidado, nutrir y activar para lo que viene y está presente en este momento.

Esta sesión será completamente gratis! Únete este Domingo 12 de Junio; 1pm CDMX/Peru 2pm NYC/Canada 8pm España.

Esta sesión sería guiada por lxs grandes Maestras Esther Pelleja, Catalina Medina, Elena de la Fuente y Valeria A Avina

New ID de reunión: 442 910 5608

Código de acceso: ZfN7yk

New Zoom Meeting ID: 442 910 5608
Password: ZfN7yk

Let's start this Full Moon in Sagittarius Together!

This last sign of fire, opens space for the signs of the earth not to sink us but to invite us to connect to our feet, belly and voice!

Join us this Sunday June 12th for a free class to receive tools of self care, nurture and activate for what's coming and being present in this moment.

This session will be completely free! Join us this Sunday June 12th; 1pm CDMX/Peru 2pm NYC/Canada 8pm Spain.

This session would be led by lxs grand teachers Esther Pelleja, Catalina Medina, Elena de la Fuente y Valeria A Avina. . @catalinamedina. blacksmith @vozenexpansion @wildhealer @fuentepoderosa @valeavina29 @fitzmauricevoicework

Fitzmaurice Voicework Level 1

Fitzmaurice Voicework Level 1.
ONLINE. 3-days with FV Lead Teachers Su-Feh Lee and Micha Espinosa.

Day 1: Basic Destructuring techniques of Fitzmaurice Voicework.

Day 2: Transitioning from Destructuring into basic Restructuring.

Day 3: Application/exploration of Destructuring & Restructuring to work with text.

June 3rd, 3 hours- 2-5pm Pacific Time

June 4th, 3+3 hours with 1 hour break 9- 4pm Pacific

June 5th, 3+3 hours with 1-hour break 9-4pm Pacific

* Times are subject to change.

We recommend that you take Level 1 Destructuring before taking Level 2 Restructuring. However, they can be done in any order. 

Fitzmaurice Institute workshops (online or in person) build hours towards eligibility for certification.

$400.00 (€364) – Full registration
$320.00 (€191.15) – 
20% Early Bird discount, for the first 10 registrants ONLY

Email to request a discount if you are a FV Certified Teacher, a member of a performance guild or union, an arts education service organization such as VASTA or ATHE, or a current student of a certified FV teacher. This discount cannot be combined with the Early Bird discount.

Currency conversion tool here.

~ We reserve the right to screen applicants, but we will accept registrants on a rolling basis until all spaces are filled on receipt of payment, and your CV emailed to

If you cancel on or before May 26, 2022, your deposit or payment will be refunded less a $80 handling fee, and less bank fees, if any. No refunds on or after May 27, 2022.

Contact with any questions.

Fitzmaurice Voicework Level 1

Fitzmaurice Voicework Level 1
3-days with FV Lead Teachers Su-Feh Lee and Micha Espinosa.

Day 1: Basic Destructuring techniques of Fitzmaurice Voicework.

Day 2: Transitioning from Destructuring into basic Restructuring.

Day 3: Application/exploration of Destructuring & Restructuring to work with text.

June 3rd, 3 hours- 2-5pm Pacific Time

June 4th, 3+3 hours with 1 hour break 9- 4pm Pacific

June 5th, 3+3 hours with 1-hour break 9-4pn Pacific

* Times are subject to change.

We recommend that you take Level 1 Destructuring before taking Level 2 Restructuring. However, they can be done in any order. 

Fitzmaurice Institute workshops (online or in person) build hours towards eligibility for certification.

$400.00 (€364) – Full registration
$320.00 (€191.15) – 
20% Early Bird discount, for the first 10 registrants ONLY

Email to request a discount if you are a FV Certified Teacher, a member of a performance guild or union, an arts education service organization such as VASTA or ATHE, or a current student of a certified FV teacher. This discount cannot be combined with the Early Bird discount.

Currency conversion tool here.

~ We reserve the right to screen applicants, but we will accept registrants on a rolling basis until all spaces are filled on receipt of payment, and your CV emailed to

If you cancel on or before May 26, 2022, your deposit or payment will be refunded less a $80 handling fee, and less bank fees, if any. No refunds on or after May 27, 2022.

Contact with any questions.

Fitzmaurice Voicework Level 1

Fitzmaurice Voicework Level 1
ONLINE 3-days with FV Lead Teachers Su-Feh Lee and Micha Espinosa.

Day 1: Basic Destructuring techniques of Fitzmaurice Voicework.

Day 2: Transitioning from Destructuring into basic Restructuring.

Day 3: Application/exploration of Destructuring & Restructuring to work with text.

June 3rd, 3 hours- 2-5pm Pacific Time

June 4th, 3+3 hours with 1 hour break 9- 4pm Pacific

June 5th, 3+3 hours with 1-hour break 9-4pm Pacific

* Times are subject to change.

We recommend that you take Level 1 Destructuring before taking Level 2 Restructuring. However, they can be done in any order. 

Fitzmaurice Institute workshops (online or in person) build hours towards eligibility for certification.

$400.00 (€364) – Full registration
$320.00 (€191.15) – 
20% Early Bird discount, for the first 10 registrants ONLY

Email to request a discount if you are a FV Certified Teacher, a member of a performance guild or union, an arts education service organization such as VASTA or ATHE, or a current student of a certified FV teacher. This discount cannot be combined with the Early Bird discount.

Currency conversion tool here.

~ We reserve the right to screen applicants, but we will accept registrants on a rolling basis until all spaces are filled on receipt of payment, and your CV emailed to

If you cancel on or before May 26, 2022, your deposit or payment will be refunded less a $80 handling fee, and less bank fees, if any. No refunds on or after May 27, 2022.

Introduction to Fitzmaurice Voicework

BREATH, BODY and Voice

Date: May 31, 2022
Time: 7:00 p.m. AEST (Australian Time)
Led by Fabio Motta
Contact with any questions.

This class offers an introduction to the destructuring and restructuring processes of Fitzmaurice Voicework®.

The work provides a holistic practice to voice work, allowing for great vocal expression and freedom from physical tension. It also looks at having a more expressive body to be able to connect to impulses and play.

We begin with the cultivation of deep physical awareness. Specific attention will be given to how the body—bones, muscles, breath, and nervous system – relates to healthy vocal production and vocal freedom. The practice will focus on developing spontaneity, learning what it feels like to give in to a physical experience and connecting to sound.

You will also learn the basic anatomy that supports breathing, sound-making, and articulation in speech.

Throughout this course you are asked to discover your own process and be with others in theirs, so together the group develops a sense of what it means to be heard, seen and felt.

Over 5 weeks the class aims to give you a technique and practice to find a deeper embodied connection to your text, speech or song.

Be advised that this Level requires time to master, and most actors will need a two- or three-term investment at Level 1 to develop awareness and become confident in these practices. After one term, you will still gain an understanding as well as an embodied experience of how this work can have a transformative impact on your speaking and singing voice.

Actors are asked to bring a piece of text that wish to explore throughout the workshop. This can be a poem, song or a contemporary/classical monologue.

Fabio Motta

New York City Five-Day Workshop

May 27- 31, 2022
10:00am to 5:30pm.

Balance Arts Center, Chelsea area of Manhattan, New York City
Course value:$800 USD.

This is an in-person workshop. All participants will need to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination and follow all local Covid guidelines.

This 5-day intensive workshop is designed to both introduce Fitzmaurice Voicework® to people new to the work as well as provide those already familiar with the work with a more in-depth experience of their voice, breath, and body. Participants will learn the fundamental techniques of Fitzmaurice Voicework®: Destructuring®, to explore a free range of breathing and voice, and Restructuring®, to practice breath management and focused intention. Participants will then explore how these techniques apply to and support work with text, speech and articulation, and singing. You will finish the experience with a new understanding of your breath, your body, and your voice, and how to organically engage all three to speak or sing with a deeper sense of connection.

There is more information on the work on our homepage We encourage you to read the About page, as well as read the “Interview” by Saul Kotzubei with Catherine, and Catherine's articles “Breathing is Meaning” and “Structured Breathing”—all 3 are available as free downloads on the website Resource Writings page.

Day 1: Basic Destructuring techniques of Fitzmaurice Voicework. Jeff Morrison and Julie Foh.

Day 2: Transitioning from Destructuring into basic Restructuring. Jeff Morrison and Jeremy Sortore.

Day 3: Application/exploration of Destructuring and Restructuring to work with text. Jeff Morrison and Lisa Pelikan.

Day 4: Application/exploration of Destructuring and Restructuring with speech and articulation. Jeff Morrison and Cynthia Santos DeCure.

Day 5: Application/exploration of Destructuring and Restructuring with singing. Jeff Morrison and Katie Bull.

Class size will be limited. Please remember that our workshops tend to fill early. We recommend registering as soon as you know you want to join us. We will maintain a waiting list if necessary.


WHERE: The workshop will be held at Balance Arts Center in Manhattan, New York City.

WHEN: 10:00am to 5:30pm, with a 1:00-2:30pm lunch break, daily. There will be an optional group dinner on the evening before the last day of the intensive.

WHO: Senior Teacher/Lead trainer Teacher Jeff Morrison, together with Certified Teachers Julie Foh, Jeremy Sortore, Lisa Pelikan, Katie Bull, and other teachers to be determined.

Payment: Online registration is available below. To register, scroll to the button below, click on it, then use the PayPal button to pay the appropriate amount. The minimum payment of the $200 will reserve you a place in the workshop. 

$800.00 (€706.60)
$640.00 (€565.27) –
20% Early Bird discount, for the first 10 registrants ONLY
$200 USD (€ 176.50) - Deposit Only

Email to request a discount if you are a FV Certified Teacher, a member of a performance guild or union, an arts education service organization such as VASTA or ATHE, or a current student of a certified FV teacher.

Currency conversion tool here.

Questions? Please contact Jeff Morrison at