Scott Ferrara

  • Certification Level: Assistant
  • Geographic Location: BELGIUM, Antwerp (Naedts)
  • Languages: Danish, English
  • Specialization: Acting Presence Private Coaching Shakespeare Voiceover Public Speaking Therapist
  • Institution Name

Assistant Teacher (2019)

Freelance Teacher & Consultant
Antaeus Theatre Academy
110 East Broadway
Glendale, CA 91205

Scott Ferrara teaches acting, voice and presence work, as well as Shakespeare and classical text. He is a coach for theatre, television and film, and a consultant in the corporate arena. He is also a classically trained actor and director. He teaches Voice at the Antaeus Theatre Academy in Glendale, CA. He also works privately with individuals, companies in the greater Los Angeles area.  His extensive acting resume includes working on Broadway in several productions such as Henry IV parts 1 & 2 (Lincoln Center/Tony Award for Best Play Revival). He originated several roles Off-Broadway and has worked in numerous regional theaters such as The Guthrie Theatre, Yale Rep., The Huntington Theatre, Pasadena Playhouse, Shakespeare Theatre D.C. and George St. Theatre, and Internationally at the Galway Arts Festival.

MFA, The Old Globe Theatre/University of San Diego.

Languages: English
Specializations: Acting, Presence, Private Coaching, Public Speaking, Shakespeare, Voiceover