Samantha Sheahan

  • Certification Level: Assistant
  • Geographic Location: BELGIUM, Antwerp (Naedts)
  • Languages: Danish, English
  • Specialization: Acting Clinician Shakespeare Social Justice Presence Movement Therapist
  • Institution Name

Assistant Teacher (2014)

Oakland, CA
San Francisco, CA
Community Mental Health Agency

“Samira” (she/her) is a Registered Drama Therapist. She employs aspects of Fitzmaurice Voicework® to help clients connect with their emotional-embodied experience, release and assertiveness. As a consultant, she has offered elements of this work to public school teachers to counter burnout, and to support kind relationships with themselves, students, and colleagues. She is also a Level II student of the embodied play-and-therapy form called Developmental Transformations. Feel free to reach out to brainstorm, share an experience of Fitzmaurice Voicework®, or initiate an artistic collaboration. Best wishes.

Degrees & Institutions: M.A., California Institute of Integral Studies; B.A., Kenyon College.

Languages: English, French

Specializations: Clinician, Acting, Movement, Presence, Public Speaking, Shakespeare, Singing, Social Justice, Facilitation