Rocio Peña

  • Certification Level: Assistant
  • Geographic Location: BELGIUM, Antwerp (Naedts)
  • Languages: Danish, English
  • Specialization: Acting Singing Vocal Practice Singing/Songwriting
  • Institution Name

Assistant Teacher (2019)

Talcahuano, Chili, South America

Rocío Peña is a singer-songwriter from the South of Chile. She has three published albums and her new album, entitled: Del Trueno will be released in the next months. She has performed concerts in Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Spain and at the critically acclaimed SXSW music festival in Austin, TX, USA. A certified teacher of the Fitzmaurice Voicework, she has studied with Catherine Fitzmaurice, Saul Kotzubei, Micha Espinosa, Ilse Pfeifer, Constanza Palavecino, among many others. A graduate of the Universidad de Concepción in Anthropology, she combines her knowledge and experience of vocal practice and pedagogy with explorations into oral memory and cultural identity.

Languages: Spanish, English
Specializations: Singer, Songwriter, Vocal Practice, Pedagogy, Oral Memory, Cultural Identity