Europe Region
The Fitzmaurice Institute, Europe Region, is responsible for connecting and supporting the community of certified teachers in those areas, as well as organizing events and outreach for the public.
Alida Bevk, Regional Co-coordinator for Europe
Ellen Foyn Bruun, Regional Co-coordinator for Europe
News from our new Europe Coordinators
Connect, Share and Inspire - EU Trem gathering in Denmark, Copenhagen from April 21-23, 2023.
The weekend was intended for Certified FV Teachers (Trems) in Europe to come to Copenhagen to reconnect with each other and with the work.
The aim was also to offer an open introductory workshop on the Sunday for participants new to or familiar with the work.
Danish Trem, Rikke Liljenberg, hosted the event in “Forsøgstationen”, a laboratory for performing artists to experiment, meet and do research.
She was joined by European directors Alida Bevk and Ellen Foyn Bruun, and together they got together and investigated the specificities of some of the dynamic efforts/positions. Springtime in Copenhagen was very welcoming with good food and live jazz. How great to reconnect in person with other Trems learning and teaching among ourselves – bringing our individual curiosities from where we are now. And then preparing the Sunday workshop together with ten participants. Some had been introduced to the work on beforehand as Rikke’s acting students, others through personal interest. All in all, the group showed genuine interest and commitment exploring some of the positions, working with their texts and connecting with their voices.
Although we were only three Trems this time – the gathering was a success. Many thanks to Rikke as organizer and for taking the initiative.
This was a pilot to be followed up on.
Next year mid-April 2014 Rikke will host another Copenhagen Connect, share and inspire gathering again. Exact dates will be out soon.
Best regards,
We have accepted the proposal of sharing the position of Regional Coordinator for Europe for the Fitzmaurice Institute. We met when we both joined the first European Teacher Certification Program, CERT XIII in London, 2013-2014. Since then, we have developed individual and common interests related to Fitzmaurice Voicework, for acting students, students of drama and theatre studies and others, in Slovenia, Ireland, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Denmark and Norway. As a team, we will aim to bring our connections with acting, teaching acting students and others, research and publication to the same table in the interest of Fitzmaurice Voicework®. There are around 45 Certified Instructors living in a variety of European countries, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, The United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania and Russia. As Regional Coordinators for Europe, we are aware of the diversity this represents when it comes to cultures, traditions and practices. And this is no doubt of huge value to us as Fitzmaurice Voicework teachers, each in our own way. We curious to find out more about how to share our common points of interest and to know more about what Certified Instructors in Europe need and would like to do to continue a sense of belonging and community support. Ellen Foyn Bruun and Alida Bevk
Learn more:
Alida Bevk, Regional Co-coordinator for Europe