Other Teaching Resources

Breath and Relaxation in the Performer's Phonatory Process through the Linklater and Fitzmaurice Approaches, by Michael J. Barnes
MFA Thesis (1993) exploring the integration of different vocal techniques.

Information Sheet for Private Coaching, by Saul Kotzubei
Sent to prospective voice clients.

Intro to FV, by Michael Yurchak
For personal classes. Two one-hour progressions. Introductory level.

Rate Sheet for Corporate Clients, by Saul Kotzubei
Sent to senior corporate or otherwise economically privileged prospective clients.

Relating with Trauma as an FV Teacher, by Saul Kotzubei
A newer part of the certification program curriculum (starting in 2015).

Sample Certification Waiver, by Catherine Fitzmaurice
General version of the waiver signed by certification participants

Sample Waiver of Liability, by Saul Kotzubei
For personal classes and workshops.

Voice Questionnaire for Private Clients, by Saul Kotzubei
Sent to voice clients before their first visit.